You are not alone

Everyone has a story

Personal Stories

Araba is a high school student with agoraphobia (a medical condition, characterized by anxiety in situations where a person perceives their environment to be unsafe with no easy way to escape) that caused her to drop out of her boarding school and start homeschooling. Her parents need a way to get Araba the professional help she needs.


James recently graduated from the University of Legon, but he’s struggling with intense anxiety and depression as he feels lost and doesn’t know what to do with his life. He already feels like a failure, and his father insists he has to find a job because school fees were high. He feels like he owes his family but can barely keep things together inside. James needs a professional to talk to and a way to manage his crippling symptoms.


Dzifa is a wife and mother to a two-year-old. Ever since giving birth, she has felt disconnected from herself, her child and her husband who does not seem to notice. Dzifa often dissociates, has suicidal tendencies and has stopped using tiredness as her excuse when asked why she is acting strange. Her husband has called their pastor to their home several times, and as a couple they take their prayers very seriously in addition to seeking professional help to understand and manage her problem before she makes a decision she cannot take back.


Joseph is a retired military veterinarian and widower who just saw his last born off to school abroad. He is very close with his children and feels very lonely now that they are gone. Now the house is empty, he feels as if he has nothing to motivate him or look forward to, and this is causing an existential crisis at his age. He thinks that he cannot call his children because he does not want them to pity him or feel guilty for growing up. Joseph needs support from a professional who can talk him through his crisis. 


Seli shares this anonymously “When I am down on money, I just lock myself up in my room after the children have gone to school and I don’t speak to anybody.
I get frustrated and take it out on the girls. I beat them or shout at them and I know I don’t have to, and I regret it right after, but I do it.
I have 5 brothers. I am the only girl but they don’t care about me. No one cares about the other. My family, we didn’t grow up in love. They only call me when they want something or else they won’t.
I am looking for a job. Something with a steady income. Anything above 1000Ghs a month. Seli has a degree in Business but no one is hiring. She has maybe one friend, and 2 daughters without a partner”.


Djaba lives with his step mom and half siblings, and rumor has it he isn’t the son of the man he calls father.
He only comes out into family circles when he can’t avoid it. He is in secondary school and the ‘man about town’; hanging out with friends, going to all the clubs -even if he can’t afford it. He gambles here, smoke a bit there, wears this person’s shirt and the other’s shoes when he can manage it.
There is always a girl he has his eyes on. The fairer, the posher, the more ‘exotic’, the better. He always has a line ready and fancies himself a charmer. Now even as an adult, he can’t hold a job down. He is still constantly working an angle.


Korantemaa’s father is dead and her mother has remarried so she has had to come and live with her grandmother and aunties in a poorer part of the city. The aunties have young children, who also live in the house. This is her first time of meeting them all. She is 6 years old.

She cannot speak the language and she has to go to a government school. Everything about her new life is strange. One auntie is very cruel and then another auntie is not.

Still, she gets to see her other cousins, the ones who live in the big house on holidays so she is always waiting for school to break so she can go, then her grandmother dies and she has to live with a grand aunt. Their house is bigger but they are not nice. She does all the house chores and gets constantly abused; but hers is better, because kyerema gets it worse! Never a word of praise. Then Kyerema gets pregnant and has a child and they say one of her cousins in the house was the father but the grand aunt will not have it; so Kyerema is sent away and this older cousin begins to touch Korantemaa at night when everybody is asleep! She cannot tell anyone because she saw what happened to Kyerema but more importantly, she knows the other adults won’t listen. They are always making cruel, catty sex jokes and all they care about is sending her errands and not her well-being. She feels dirty and wants to throw stones at them, but she can’t; At the age of 14 years, she leaves for boarding school, runs away when, and never comes back and they say she is a bad girl.


Kate -55- is a CEO of an NGO. Donor funds are short so projects have been cut. She is now living off her savings and looking for new opportunities but how long will that last? She has underlying health conditions and her elderly father has Alzheimer’s. He refuses to move and so she has to shuffle between home and his to make sure the nurses are taking good care of him. She was scheduled to get married but who knows what happens in life? Sometimes it all gets too much and she wonders “when can she catch a break”?
But she sees people and she have places to be, so she tells herself “Chin up”, but it’s not easy.
